Explosions rang out in Kharkiv

Explosions rang out in Kharkiv on October 15
Explosions in the city. Illustrative photo: kr.depo.ua

Explosions rang out in Kharkiv. It is reported that the Russians used guided aerial bombs.

This was reported by local media on Tuesday, October 15.

Explosions in Kharkiv

The Russians do not stop shelling Kharkiv with rockets and guided aerial bombs. Civilians suffer from this, and residential buildings are destroyed. Currently, new explosions have been heard in the city.

An air alert has been declared in half of Ukraine's regions. The military advises civilians to stay in shelters and other safe places until there is a rebound.

повітряна тривога
Air alarm in Ukraine. Photo: screenshot

It should be recalled that the occupiers attacked Mykolaiv on the night of October 15, using S-300 missiles.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs showed photos of the consequences of the attack on the city. In one of the districts of Mykolaiv, an infrastructure object, private houses and cars were damaged.

Kharkiv explosion shelling fighter jet war in Ukraine