The occupiers shelled an "ambulance" station in the Kharkiv region — medics showed the consequences

The occupiers shelled an ambulance station in the Kharkiv region — the driver was injured
Consequences of an attack on medics in Kharkiv region. Photo: CNE KRC "Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine"

Russian shells hit near the ambulance station during the shelling of the city of Kupyansk in Kharkiv region. The vehicle was damaged, one of the drivers was injured.

This was reported by the Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine of the Kharkiv region on Wednesday, October 2.

пошкоджена автівка "швидкої"
Damaged ambulance. Photo: CNE KRC "Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine"

Medics came under fire in Kharkiv region

According to the Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine, on October 1, during the shelling of Kupyansk, cluster munitions hit near the location of the "emergency" structural unit.

The driver of the "ambulance" was hospitalized at the scene of the attack with a diagnosis of contusion. Four EMD cars were damaged. One garage burned down.

"Thanks to the decisive and quick actions of the employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, municipal enterprise "Kupyansk Water Utility", the fire was localized, and the property was saved," the message states.

Наслідки обстрілу Куп'янська
Damaged ambulance during the shelling. Photo: CNE KRC "Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine"

It should be reminded that the situation in the Kharkiv direction has become more complicated. An increase in the activity of the Russian occupiers is recorded. At the same time, there are cases when invaders flee from occupied positions.

Novyny.LIVE also reported that units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine as part of the Defense Forces of Ukraine are repelling the Russian occupation forces that have invaded the north of Kharkiv region. In Vovchansk, border guards of the "Hart" brigade fired on the strongholds of the occupiers.

швидка допомога медики Харківська область обстріли Куп'янськ war in Ukraine